Toronto Bishops acknowledge Trans Day of Remembrance

From here:

On this Trans Day of Remembrance, as Bishops of the Diocese of Toronto, we wish to acknowledge the dignity and inherent worth of all people, including every transgender person, and our opposition to all prejudice, discrimination, or actions that deny the full personhood of any individual based on their gender identity.

Trans people are valued and beloved members of our Church, as clergy and lay leaders, as members of our congregations, as people we serve and by whom we are served.

Now if the bishops would only acknowledge “the dignity and inherent worth of all people” including those still in the womb, their statement might be worth something. As it is, all the bishops are doing is sailing effortlessly along on the tide of our cultural foibles and expecting to be congratulated for it.

Looking on the bright side, since God is no longer Father and, hence, must be transgender, fae must finally feel at home as a “valued and beloved member[s] of our Church.”