God is the only person not allowed to choose his gender

From here:

God should not be referred to using a gender because ‘our father’ was not male or female, according to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Most Rev Justin Welby has warned human language is inadequate to describe the Christian deity and that despite the use of words such as ‘king’ and ‘lord’ – he is not male in the human sense.


God is not a father in exactly the same way as a human being is a father. God is not male or female. God is not definable.

‘It is extraordinarily important as Christians that we remember that the definitive revelation of who God is was not in words, but in the word of God who we call Jesus Christ. We can’t pin God down.’

Justin Welby says he believes Jesus is God incarnate. God incarnate tells us to address Him in this manner: “Our Father, who art in heaven”. Not having the benefit of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s insight, Jesus omits mentioning how inadequate the language of His prayer is. Someone must have it wrong: I wonder who?

Could the Archbishop of Canterbury’s vision be clouded by contemporary gender befuddlement, viewing divine revelation through a faers darkly?

One thought on “God is the only person not allowed to choose his gender

  1. It was the High Priest of pansexualism, the previous Archbishop of Canterbury, whose anti-Scriptural false ‘doctrine’ of pansexualism initiated creating Biblical man in one’s own image; thereby opening the CoE Church doors to pansexual ‘marriage’ and other pagan/neo-Babylonian forms of worship, such as ‘gay’ Eucharists, memorials, etc.
    It only had to follow that GOD Himself had to be next: genderless.
    This marks the full Advent of heresy: to deny ‘Cur Deus Homo’ as “The Son of Man”, our LORD Jesus Christ’s most oft said term
    of Self-designation; not homo.

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