Climate striking Anglicans

Assorted bishops and other clergy participated in the recent climate strike demonstration in Toronto. What were they striking from? Will they stop doing whatever it is Anglican Church of Canada bishops do to earn their stipends? If so, this would be good news for the ACoC: it could mark the beginning of a resurgence in attendance, even a revival.

That is too optimistic. I fear it was just another vacuous genuflection to the latest societal fad.

There is good news in this, though. If, as the sign below suggests, fossil fuels are kept in the ground, the bishops’ dentures will all fall out because denture adhesive is made from petroleum byproducts. And they will all wear dentures because there will be no toothpaste since it, too, is made from petroleum. Eyeglasses have polycarbonate lenses, so they will be no more resulting in the clergy being unable to read their sermons. This is looking better all the time.

I was going to say something about petroleum jelly but, after seeing Bishop Kevin Robertson smiling in the foreground, decided against it.

A church climate strike

St. Nics in Durham, UK is going on a climate strike apparently. For a church, I’m not sure what that entails but perhaps the vicar will stop preaching sermons, so it won’t be an entirely bad thing.

It’s also rebelling against impending extinction, which is odd for a church since, if humanity is about to become extinct, the eschaton and Jesus’ return must be upon us, an event which should be the cause of rejoicing.

On the other hand, St. Nics having lost all sense of the transcendent may, in a fit of temporal desperation, just be jumping on the fashionable Thunberg bandwagon.