Michael Pollesel to be coadjutor bishop in Diocese of Uruguay after all

Michael PolleselThe Diocese of Uruguay is a liberal diocese in a conservative province, a misalignment of predispositions that prompted it to ask to be moved to a more simpatico province; the request  was denied.

The diocese of Uruguay says feels “abandoned and unsupported” after the standing committee of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) turned down its request to change provinces.

The diocese, which is part of the province of the Southern Cone, has asked that it be transferred to the province of Brasil, which it says is “more compatible” in terms of theology, mission and philosophy.

Canada’s Archdeacon Michael Pollesel was voted in as coadjutor bishop in the Diocese of Uruguay, but the appointment was rejected twice by the Southern Cone’s house of bishops, possibly because of this:

A source close to the situation told VOL that the issue of women priests and the liberal proclivities of Pollesel and his association with the ultra-liberal Anglican Church of Canada were deciding factors.

Now, the election has been ratified by the house of bishops; perhaps they hope to convert the new bishop:

The Anglican Province of the Southern Cone has reconsidered the Diocese of Uruguay’s appeal and has voted to ratify the election of Archdeacon Michael Pollesel as coadjutor bishop.

The decision came 10 months after the province’s House of Bishops rejected Pollesel’s election. The Uruguayan diocesan synod had appealed the decision, but “for technical canonical reasons the form of the original appeal was not valid” and had to be presented again, said Southern Cone Presiding Bishop Hector Zavala in a press release.

Diocese of Uruguay wants to join a liberal province

The liberal Diocese of Uruguay wants to leave the Province of the Southern Cone because the Province of the Southern Cone is conservative and the diocese thinks it is “adrift, as if condemned to stay in a province where it doesn’t fit.” Sound familiar?

It does to ANiC parishes in Canada who, for a while, took shelter under the Province of the Southern Cone because their dioceses were not just liberal but teetering on heresy; it was a unilateral decision roundly condemned as “cross-border intervention” by the hierocracy.

At least the Anglican Consultative Council is consistent in telling the Diocese of Uruguay that it must stay put. Personally, I think collecting all the liberal dioceses together into liberal provinces is not such a bad idea: they could shrivel up together without contaminating genuinely Christian dioceses.

The rainbow stoled Michael Pollesel, former general secretary of the Anglican Church of Canada, was elected as bishop by the Diocese of Uruguay, only to be turned down by the province, an act of exclusion that galled both the Diocese of Uruguay and the Anglican Church of Canada. And, to my considerable satisfaction, he was rejected twice.

From here:

The diocese of Uruguay says it feels “abandoned and unsupported” after the standing committee of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) turned down its request to change provinces.

The diocese, which is part of the province of the Southern Cone, has asked that it be transferred to the province of Brasil, which it says is “more compatible” in terms of theology, mission and philosophy.

It appealed to the ACC standing committee to review its decision, saying it feels “adrift, as if condemned to stay in a province where it doesn’t fit.”