Canada legalises recreational marijuana use

Having spend the last 50 years trying to convince people to stop smoking tobacco because it is bad for them, the government of Canada has legalised cannabis even though smoking it is probably worse.

Our prime minister, who must by now have realised that a drug-stupefied population is his only hope for re-election, tweeted this:

Criminals will still reap the profits; the only difference is they are sitting in the House of Commons.

Children will undoubtedly find it easy to obtain legal marijuana – from their older friends, from their parents. From the back garden.

As Western civilisation aborts, euthanises and dopes itself into extinction, cheered on by mainline churches, I fear there will be no reprieve, no swinging back of the pendulum, no regret or repentance, no Christendom redux.

We have one remaining hope: not marijuana, Maranatha.