Hollywood, having done gay, moves on to incest

Since Hollywood sets the moral climate for what’s left of western culture, it won’t be that long before incest between consenting adults is legal, those who disapprove will be labelled incestophobic bigots, and batty church denominations will be falling over themselves in the rush to be the first to offer a generous pastoral response to committed monogamous brother-sister relationships.

And why not? After all, as the director piously intones: ‘You know what? This whole movie is about judgment, and lack of it, and doing what you want.’

The last thing we want to do is judge anyone or stop them doing what they want.

From here:

The Hollywood film director behind beloved romantic drama, The Notebook, has proved himself a true champion of love by admitting he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with incest.

In an interview about his new movie, Yellow – which debuted at the Toronto Film Festival this weekend – Nick Cassavetes defended his protagonist’s affair with her brother.

The Alpha Dog director reasoned that since he had no personal experience in the matter, he didn’t believe he was in a position to condemn incest and went on to compare it to gay marriage.