What happens when Fresh Expressions goes bad?

It becomes Jade Ministry Collective, the brainchild of Anglicans Rev. Shawn Beck and Emily Carr, a “ministry of presence” which concentrates on things like the Rainbow Tribe, an unholy concoction of paganism, Gaia worship, animism, pantheism and miscellaneous new-age superstitions.

As I pointed out here, when a church says it is using Fresh Expressions, it is worth asking: Fresh Expressions of what?

Clearly, in the case of Jade Ministry Collective, it is a fresh expression of just about anything except Christianity.

Fresh Expressions in the Anglican Church of Canada

From here:

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has expressed hope that the Fresh Expressions initiative will flourish in the Anglican Church of Canada as it has in the Church of England.


Fresh Expressions “encourages new forms of church for a fast changing world, working with Christians from a variety of denominations and traditions,” according to the Fresh Expressions U.K. website.

The question is, fresh expressions of what? The fact that heretical dioceses like Niagara and New Westminster have launched into Fresh Expressions is hardly reassuring.  Both dioceses are willing to try anything to boost their flagging numbers but a fresh expression of diocesan baloney isn’t likely to help.

While on the subject of baloney, here is Rowan Williams explaining what Fresh Expressions is all about. Among other things it invites us “to explore one another” – anything to get people in the door.