Shamans and Anglican Priests in Mystical Ecstasy

From  Kenya:

Bulls and goats were slaughtered for feasts in Kenya, toasts were offered at black-tie balls in Europe and shamans in Latin America chanted Barack Obama’s name with reverence.

To Clapham:

A senior Church of England priest has hailed the election and inauguration of black American president Barack Obama as a ‘redemptive moment’.

It is easy to overlook the shamanic fideism but an Anglican priest – even a half-witted Western specimen – should realise that redemption comes from Jesus alone, not from a politician.

The truth is out there

On July 31st the Diocese of Niagara – who are suing the pants off parishes that voted to join ANiC – agreed to a debate with ANiC on the Michael Coren show.

The Rev. Lynn Corfield from the diocese offers her impressions of the Michael Coren ANiC Diocese of Niagara debate

I have extracted a few choice morsels for your delectation:

In July I had an invitation from The Very Rev’d Peter Wall to join him in a panel discussion on the topic “The Future of the Anglican Church.” Peter explained that the conversation was to be with two members of the Anglican Network of Canada and was for the Michael Coren Show. We would be taped and then later that day (July 31st) it would be broadcast on Vision TV. The invitation came in the midst of my sabbatical leave and I was somewhat out of touch with recent developments, but I said yes!

Basically it went well. But It felt like Peter Wall and I didn’t get much ‘air’ time in compared to the views of the ANC..

Translation: we were not allowed to bring up the ‘homophobia’ word.

Michael did say that one hour is not enough and that we could only scratch the surface of the topic – and I can agree with him. It was said several times by Paula and Ray that the Bible is black and white on the issue of homosexuality and this is simply not up for negotiation. In my view the Bible is the living Word of God; it has a heart that beats passionately into each new generation. It was frustrating to hear the same arguments that I and other people who believe in the blessing of same sex unions do not understand the Bible, nor the canons of the Anglican Church.

Stripped of the flowery ‘beating heart’ metaphor, what we are left with is Humpty Dumpty in Alice Through The Looking Glass: `When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

What is at stake is how we treat people who are different in some way from ourselves. The Anglican Network in Canada – feel that they are starting a new church which expresses the true tenants (sic), formularies and tradition of the Anglican Church.

ANiC starting a new church? 70% of the world’s Anglicans are saying that TEC and the ACoC are the ones who have started a new church; you need to listen to the beating heart of Anglicanism, Lynn.

c/p Essentials blog