Diocese of New Westminster to hold Pride Day service in Cathedral

As the invitation notes: the diocese “welcomes and affirms people of all gender identifications and sexual orientations.”

The distinction between affirming people and affirming anything and everything they feel inclined to do is one that appears to be lost on the Diocese of New Westminster.

I take that back. Anyone who succumbs to the temptation of building an oil pipeline or who indulges in “resource extraction” will definitely not be invited to a service at the cathedral to celebrate his achievement. Unless he is gay and a Buddhist.

From here:

05-07-2013 11-08-35 PMCelebrate God’s gift of diversity by marching with your Anglican sisters and brothers in the 2013 Vancouver Pride Parade!

All are welcome — GLBTQ people, friends, family and allies — to join us in the continuing work of creating an Anglican faith community that welcomes and affirms people of all gender identifications and sexual orientations.

Our Pride festivities (which you may join at any time during the day) will include:

8am: Worship at Christ Church Cathedral’s 5th Annual Pride Day Service.
9am: Post-worship brunch at the Cathedral with your fellow marchers.
10 to 11:30: Making our way from Christ Church to the start of the parade. (Location details to follow.)
12noon: MARCHING

ALL AGES: Ours is a family-friendly group… bring kids, strollers, wagons, scooters, bikes and trikes. Decorate them if you have time! And, child or adult, be sure to dress your bright, festive best!