What will the Anglican Church of Canada do if polyamorists have their way?

Canada’s polyamorists are seeking legal recognition of their unions. Now that “marriage” has been redefined in Canada to include same-sex couples, why should it not be further redefined to include more than two people? I can’t think of a convincing reason.

And since many dioceses in the Anglican Church of Canada are eager to bless “committed same gender relationships” why should they not also bless committed multiple person relationships, particularly if they attain the same legal status as married same-sex couples. I can’t think of a convincing reason. If there is nothing sacrosanct about man-woman marriage, then there is certainly nothing sacrosanct about the number “two.”

From here:

While Canada’s polyamorists — people with multiple partners outside a religious context — do not face criminalization as do polygamists, it is not enough for them to be considered “just not illegal,” they said on Sunday.

As the Canadian Polyamory Advocacy Association wrapped up its three-day convention, the first of it’s kind to be held in Canada, the association’s director and conference chair Zoe Duff said polyamorists hope to one day gain the same legal recognition as other couples.

“It would be nice…to have households where our spouses are equal under the law, and moving forward in terms of pensions, and inheritances and property division,” she said.

Unlike polygamy, there is no law in Canada that specifically bans polyamory. Polyamorists also distinguish themselves from polygamists, saying that while polygamy consists of men taking multiple wives usually within a religious context, polyamory is consensual, secular and egalitarian.

Toronto school board denies promoting polygamy while continuing to promote it

The Toronto District School Board has denied that the poster below, which is to be placed in their schools, promotes polygamy even though it plainly does.

Employing Newspeak as the preferred refuge of last resort of beleaguered bureaucrats, a spokesman from the board said: “…the board does not support polygamy. The images in question were meant to support an individual’s right to choose whom they love, regardless of gender. For example, the reason for depicting two women and one man was meant to show that a person can be attracted to more than one gender.”

Of course the board is promoting polygamy: if people have the right to choose whom they love, i.e. have sex with, and there are three people at it, you have – yes, you’ve guessed it – polygamy if they are “married”, polyamory if they are not.

Perhaps the board would be more comfortable if they were known as the school of polyamory rather than polygamy.

From here:

TORONTO — The Toronto District School Board is denying claims it’s promoting polygamy — just illustrating it exists as a family dynamic — with a poster campaign for gender-based violence prevention.

The school board’s website depicts a series of five posters — one of them has the message “Love has no gender” in big white capital letters. Surrounding the slogan are various hearts containing different stick-figure people. In one of them there is an image of a man with two women; in another, two women with one man.