Anglican Church of Canada to spend $360,000 on fund raising campaign

From here:

1. That the Philanthropy department be authorized to initiate and facilitate a nation-wide diocesan-centred fundraising initiative to benefit parishes, dioceses and General Synod.

2. That dioceses not involved in a similar campaign be encouraged to engage in this initiative, with the understanding that the “case for support” will include aspects of the case for [support of] General Synod.

3. That a feasibility study for this initiative be conducted in up to 10 dioceses. The results will be shared with the participating dioceses and the CoGS.

4. That the Council of General Synod approve $200,000 to invest in the nationwide fundraising initiative being undertaken by the Philanthropy department.

With CoGS approval of the additional $200,000 for the initiative, its budget for the year is $360,000.

As the article goes on to observe: “there are pools of generosity in the life of our church that have not yet been fully tapped.” I expect the average Anglican parishioner will be excited to be thought of as a pool of generosity ripe for tapping.

In between dinner-time phone calls peddling windows and duct cleaning, brace yourself for a new one from the Anglican Church of Canada trying to raise money to pay for its litigation lawyers.