A bishop a professor and a layman walk into a chatroom

I recently had this exchange with Bishop Peter Carrell, bishop of Christchurch New Zealand and Polynesia, on twitter. I thought some of you might find it interesting. To be clear, I like Peter Carrell even though I largely disagree with him. There aren’t many bishops who would bother with this.

It all started with this cartoon retweeted by the bishop:

To which I replied, and he replied etc. (sorry about the duplicate bits – that’s twitter):

What does all this mean? We appear to be speaking two different languages. Or perhaps we are using the same words to mean different things. Or we live on different planets. Either way, the gulf between us appears to be as broad as the one mentioned in Luke 16:26.

Justin Welby want us to pray to Allah

Christian leaders have rightly condemned (here is Bishop Peter Carrell’s statement)  the horrific murders at a New Zealand mosque. Justin Welby has gone a step further and suggested Christians attend a mosque to worship Allah.

Here is the lower half Welby is retweeting:

If Jesus is really the Son of God who died for the sins of the world, surely the loving thing to do is to try to find a way to convince Muslims that this is the only way to be saved, rather than indulging in a bizarre syncretism in order to project an aura of culturally sanctioned piety?

I don’t want to make this atrocity political, I really don’t, but I can’t help noticing that the murder of 32 Christians by radical Muslims last week received almost no media coverage at all. Nor did the murder of 120 Christians by Muslim herders. I haven’t seen Justin Welby wringing his hands over them, either. Neither were committed by white Europeans and only Christians died, so I suppose they don’t count.