Justin Welby attends a “blame an Islamophobic politician” event

Although he isn’t specifically mentioned, I imagine the political leader Welby and the organisers had in mind was Trump. The temptation to place blame on such an easy and obvious target would be too difficult to resist. Even during Lent.

Justin Welby was greeted by applause when he promised better “education” for children in CofE schools. Church of England Madrasa has a distinctive ring to it.

From here:

Action needed after New Zealand attacks, gathering at London mosque told

Political leaders must consider what responsibility they might carry in allowing Islamophobia to thrive, a gathering at a London mosque has been told.


The Most Rev Justin Welby was applauded when he made a commitment to discuss how, through the teaching of an estimated one million children at Church of England schools “we can be more effective in our education to be one people”.

He also pledged that the church will stand with Muslims who are being persecuted, apologising if such solidarity has been lacking in the past.

He said: “For Muslims who are under threat we will be with you, if we have not been with you sufficiently yet, and if we have not, I am so sorry.”