Canadian Heritage sponsors the Poo Testament

The tax-payer funded Canadian Heritage is, in its wisdom, supporting a Vancouver punk rock group, Living With Lions. This scrofulous bunch of nitwits, having decided that their musical talent is insufficient to appeal to a buying public, are selling scatology instead. Their latest album is: “Holy Shit, the Poo Testament”. Who could resist that?

Here are the disgusting details:

Vancouver punk rockers Living With Lions just released their sophomore album today. It’s called Holy Shit, is subtitled “The Poo Testament,” and has liner notes that recreate the Ascension with Christ portrayed as a turd. Oh, and the album is sponsored by the Canadian government.

The album is designed to resemble a Bible, complete with liner notes written as verses, a cracked binding, and yellowed pages. The last line of the band’s acknowledgements reads, “We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage.”

Canadian Heritage also sponsors numerous Canadian papers, including the Anglican Journal (it receives $500,000 per year).

It’s time for the Canadian Government to dissociate itself entirely from ersatz newspapers and so-called “art” and let endeavours like the Anglican Journal and Living with Lions fend for themselves: they wouldn’t last long and we’d all be better off.

As an aside, I wonder what would happen if something similar were tried with the Koran?

h/t: Big Blue Wave