Lethal injections: cruel for murderers, fine for babies

From here:

For the second time in three years, executions have been stopped in Tennessee as judges ponder whether supposedly benign lethal injections actually can cause excruciating pain…….

In lethal injections, a series of three chemicals is used — a barbiturate to make the inmate unconscious, a paralyzing agent to prevent seizures and involuntary gasps of pain, and finally a poison to stop the prisoner’s heart.

Sad to say, judges are not extending their agonising on the humanity of executing murderers by lethal injection to the similar execution of unborn babies – who don’t even merit the benefit of anaesthesia – by the ghouls of the abortion industry.

From here:

The abortion industry is certainly prolific in its ability to find new ways to destroy human life.  And each “innovation” puts more women at risk.

Notorious abortionist, James Pendergraft, now performs a new method of late-term abortion in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. The procedure is called a “fetal intra-cardiac injection.” Using a sonogram, the abortionist guides a spinal nettle through the woman’s abdomen into the unborn child’s heart and injects poison or air to stop the baby’s heart from beating. Once the abortionist kills the baby, he leaves the woman on her own to visit her personal doctor or a hospital emergency room to have the now-dead child delivered.