The Diocese of Niagara continues its ministry: closing orthodox churches

While the Diocese of Niagara attempts to gain possession of ANiC church buildings for which it has no use other than to line its coffers, it continues to disestablish orthodox parishes – for which it has no use, other than to line its coffers.

From here:

Why was All Saints closed?

All Saints church in Niagara Falls retained the traditional, orthodox faith in the Trinity and the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It was a small, but growing congregation, having doubled its membership under a priest who provided the Gospel message, was faithful in pastoral care and attracted young families with their children.

With the closing of All Saints, the sale of its parish hall, plus the acquisition of All Saints trust funds, the Diocese of Niagara gleaned more than $480,000.

In 2007, the congregation of All Saints was given only a two-day notice that the church was to be closed in one month’s time. The congregation, due to the church’s vitality, was taken by shock.

Niagara Falls was informed the diocese wished to remove the 150-year-old oak pews despite the fact that a promise had been made to allow weddings and funerals to take place at All Saints. In response to the huge outcry from the citizens of Niagara Falls, through a petition to protect the unique interior and exterior of the building, the bishop met with representatives of the congregation. But nothing changed.

For the next two years, the congregation tried to persuade the diocese to allow them to return and finally offering to buy the church they had so faithfully looked after for 150 years for ministry and service. Every request to the diocese was rejected. Thankfully, a local church offered their premises and Anglican priests provided a service of communion one Sunday afternoon per month. When the congregation wished to meet more often, the devoted divided between a local church and a St. Catharines church that provided the faith of the founding fathers following the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Many former congregants of All Saints still meet on a regular basis and provide significant outreach both locally and globally. Their faith is a continuum that is remarkable. Of course, it has been an extremely unfortunate time for the faithful of this historic landmark, but prayerfully it will continue to serve and be a reminder of God’s presence in our city of Niagara Falls.

Donna Parkhill

Chair of the All Saints steering committee Niagara Falls