Muslim Public Affairs Council to hold convention in TEC church

The Muslim Public Affairs Council is taking the “next step in its mission” by holding its 12th annual convention in an Episcopal church: All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena. An obvious choice really: something needs to fill the faith void in TEC.

MPAC’s founders were active in the Muslim Brotherhood – the organisation which has been so instrumental in bringing democracy to Egypt – it sponsors anti-Israel rallies, surreptitiously promotes jihad against the West, and supports Hezbollah and Hamas.

Apparently, MPAC is looking for allies; where better to look than among a bunch of witless Episcopalians:

MPAC explains that the holding of its convention at the All Saints Episcopal Church of Pasadena is a reflection of its focus on winning allies among other faiths. It boasts of establishing partnerships with the National Association of Evangelicals, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Catholic Archdiocese, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Union of Reform Judaism and other faith groups. MPAC and similar groups like the Islamic Society of North America have created an interfaith bloc willing to defend them against Rep. Michele Bachmann and other opponents.