The philosophy of global warming

While philosophy can be fun for those with nothing better to do, I’m moderately certain that philosophers have never been able to convince anyone of anything. Most people instinctively know this to be true, so it is a measure of their abject desperation that global warming scientists are bringing in a philosopher to convince us to “care” about global warming.

Just like the poor, true believers will always be with us but, as far as I am concerned, just thinking about a moral philosopher urging me to curtail my carbon dioxide effusions makes my caring index wither.

From here:

Scientists have had only limited success persuading us to care about climate change so perhaps it is time to call in the philosophers.

That appears to be the approach of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which has engaged a philosopher to help to produce its forthcoming report on how to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.


What global warming?

As the dog and I stepped out into the -15°C air this morning, my thoughts drifted inexorably to global warming.

The bad news is that not only has there not been any warming for the last 15 years, there isn’t going to be any for the next five either.

This is not news that is welcomed by global warming Cassandras: Christopher Monckton, the third viscount of Benchley, the bearer of the bad tidings that global warming is a sham, was ejected from the United Nations climate change conference for his efforts.

Some speculate that the U.N.’s determination to make Canada even colder is really a surreptitious war against capitalism. Since every self-respecting, anti-capitalist, liberal-left apparatchik from the impotent Fred Hiltz to the messianic Barack Obama is beside himself with excitement at the prospect of crippling Western industry with carbon penalties – no-one seems to care much about CO2 from China or India –  it seems pretty clear that they are right.

Still, at least it has warmed up to -12°C for the dog’s evening walk.

An unusual anti-global warming advertisement

From here:

“Charles Manson Still Believes in Global Warming. Do You?”
That’s the essence of a thoughtful and nuanced new billboard campaign put together by the Heartland Institute, the nation’s top climate change-doubting think tank. The billboards feature portraits of figures like Ted Kaczynski, aka the Unabomber, Charles Manson, and Fidel Castro, alongside giant lettering that reads “I Still Believe in Global Warming. Do You?”

If I had designed the ad, it would have been much more subtle. Something like this:

On global warming and exploding compost

Yet more doubts are being cast on the reality of global warming by David Happer, professor of physics at Princeton:

During a fundraiser in Atlanta earlier this month, President Obama is reported to have said: “It gets you a little nervous about what is happening to global temperatures. When it is 75 degrees in Chicago in the beginning of March, you start thinking. On the other hand, I really have enjoyed nice weather.”

What is happening to global temperatures in reality? The answer is: almost nothing for more than 10 years. Monthly values of the global temperature anomaly of the lower atmosphere, compiled at the University of Alabama from NASA satellite data, can be found at the website The latest (February 2012) monthly global temperature anomaly for the lower atmosphere was minus 0.12 degrees Celsius, slightly less than the average since the satellite record of temperatures began in 1979.

I admit that I am disappointed by all this. My wife is a keen gardener and she keeps a number of compost piles in our yard. I had high hopes that they would very soon be exploding in spectacular showers of potato peelings and rotting parsnips. But no: most disconcerting.

Global warming could explode ‘compost bombs’ all over the planet.

When the compost pile in your backyard revs up, it starts producing heat, as the microbes in it do their work breaking down organic matter. On a small scale, that’s great for your garden. On a grand scale, though, this same process can create a “compost bomb” — a burst of carbon into the atmosphere. And as the planet warms up, this is going to happen more often.


Cardinal Keith O’Brien wants us to repent over indifference to global warming

From here:

Cardinal Keith O’Brien of St. Andrews and Edinburgh has joined other Christian leaders, including Anglican Archbishops Rowan Williams and Desmond Tutu, in calling for repentance over indifference to climate change.

Here I am, repenting over my indifference to global warming:

The Anglican obsession with global warming continues

Since it no longer believes in Hell in the next life, the Episcopal Church can’t very well preach fire and brimstone sermons, so on Sunday, it did the next best thing: it had “a national preach-in” (whatever that is) on global warming in this life.

I can’t help noticing that the participants in the photo have warm coats on.

From here:

On Sunday, Berkeley’s St. Mark’s Episcopal Church took part in a national preach-in on global warming which linked hundreds of congregations across the country together as they reflected on their responsibility towards the planet and social action.

The Reverend Arthur Boone linked the responsibility for Christians to act on the issue of global warming to Christ’s admonition to love one another. Citing Paul’s letter to the Corinthians “Love does not insist on its own way…,” the Reverend argued that the United States, with 3% of the world’s population, cannot in good conscience continue to consumer 25% of the world’s energy resources. “If we are to love our fellow humans, we cannot insist on our own way of consuming ever more energy,” he said.

Too many stop signs in Toronto contributing to global warming

Next time you are pulled over by the RCMP for a rolling stop at a stop sign, you have a new excuse: you are helping to prevent global warming.

From here:

Is the rapid spread of stop signs in Scarborough contributing to global warming?

City of Toronto staff were given two months to find out, but couldn’t.

The investigation started in November, when Mike Del Grande, councillor for Scarborough-Agincourt, appeared concerned about the number of new stop signs being approved for the area.



The state of Global Warming

With the release of 5000 new Climategate 2 emails, it has become even more apparent that data has been falsified, the issue politicised and the science as unsettled as my Aunty Ethel’s homemade blancmange.

From here:

Global-warming skeptics spend much of their time knocking down the fatuous warmist claim that the science is settled. According to the warmists, this singular piece of settled science is attested to by hundreds or thousands of highly credentialed scientists. In truth, virtually the entire warmist edifice is built around a small, tightly knit coterie of persons (one hesitates to refer to folks with so little respect for the scientific method as scientists) willing to falsify data and manipulate findings; or, to put it bluntly, to lie in order to push a political agenda not supported by empirical evidence. This is what made the original release of the Climategate e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia so valuable. They clearly identified the politicized core of climate watchers who were driving the entire warmist agenda. Following in their footsteps are all the other scientists who built their own research on top of the fraudulent data produced by the warmist core.

Canada is standing up for sanity by refusing to participate in the Kyoto protocol and, excluding flights for the participants, around 15,000 tonnes of CO2 is being dumped into the air in Durban City at the conference to discuss how to dump less CO2 into the air.

Meanwhile, Rowan Williams is promoting his solution to the problem: grow your own potatoes. I am all for home grown vegetables since they taste very good and, I have to admit, it’s a pretty harmless solution from a person no-one listens to, to a problem that doesn’t exist.