The state of Global Warming

With the release of 5000 new Climategate 2 emails, it has become even more apparent that data has been falsified, the issue politicised and the science as unsettled as my Aunty Ethel’s homemade blancmange.

From here:

Global-warming skeptics spend much of their time knocking down the fatuous warmist claim that the science is settled. According to the warmists, this singular piece of settled science is attested to by hundreds or thousands of highly credentialed scientists. In truth, virtually the entire warmist edifice is built around a small, tightly knit coterie of persons (one hesitates to refer to folks with so little respect for the scientific method as scientists) willing to falsify data and manipulate findings; or, to put it bluntly, to lie in order to push a political agenda not supported by empirical evidence. This is what made the original release of the Climategate e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia so valuable. They clearly identified the politicized core of climate watchers who were driving the entire warmist agenda. Following in their footsteps are all the other scientists who built their own research on top of the fraudulent data produced by the warmist core.

Canada is standing up for sanity by refusing to participate in the Kyoto protocol and, excluding flights for the participants, around 15,000 tonnes of CO2 is being dumped into the air in Durban City at the conference to discuss how to dump less CO2 into the air.

Meanwhile, Rowan Williams is promoting his solution to the problem: grow your own potatoes. I am all for home grown vegetables since they taste very good and, I have to admit, it’s a pretty harmless solution from a person no-one listens to, to a problem that doesn’t exist.


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