Making the way less straight

The Anglican Church, having given up on being “the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord”, has opted instead for an alliance between the straight and less than straight:

This began at St. Paul’s when the teacher promoting it couldn’t drum up any support from students at her school. She knew Anglicans are willing to try anything so long as it is not Biblical.

From here:

Uxbridge church starts Gay/Straight Alliance

WHEN Kathleen Caroll, a member of St. Paul, Uxbridge and a teacher at a local school, proposed that the students at the school form a rainbow by wearing different coloured t-shirts in honour of Pride Week, she was met with a negative response. Out of that experience came the creation of the Uxbridge Gay/Straight Alliance, which meets at the church.

Toronto bishop Kevin Robertson leant his support: