Juan Williams experiences liberal tolerance

Juan Williams was fired from NPR.

This is what got him fired:

Here is the CAIR Communications Director, Ibrahim Hooper, being mercilessly grilled for demanding that NPR “take action”:

Here is Juan Williams’ reaction to his demise at NPR:

And here is Bill O’Reilly’s view of what happened (time for those with an O’Reilly allergy to plug their ears):

Meanwhile, NPR itself just about admits that they fired Williams because it was on Fox News – Satan’s entertainment emporium – that Williams chose to express his opinion:

NPR CEO Vivian Schiller, however, told executives of NPR’s member stations that Williams’ contract was terminated Thursday because he had more than once expressed personal opinions on controversial issues while offering commentary on other media outlets’ shows — most recently on Monday’s edition of Fox’s The O’Reilly Factor when Williams says he gets nervous when he sees people in “Muslim garb” on airplanes.

I have a feeling that by doing this, NPR and CAIR have shot themselves in their collective foot: NPR has exposed its own bigotry, CAIR has whined once too often and Juan Williams is a hero for giving voice to a fear that is repressed only by the greater fear of having to admit to it.

Making schools safe from the threat of paperclips

From here:

Federal regulators are hard at work making the world a safer place for kids — starting with the threat posed by toxic paper clips.

Never heard of a toxic paper clip? Neither have the manufacturers of science kits for classrooms across the country.

But they’re now locked in a debate with federal officials, who just moved a step closer to requiring costly new safety tests on the components of those kits.

Free from the worry of protecting children from lead-contaminated paper clips, educators will be able to concentrate on the main task of distributing condoms – which, of course, could, in extremis, also be used to contain any stray lead-contaminated paper clips that slipped though the otherwise impenetrable bureaucratic cracks.

This particular item was reported by Fox News so, naturally, it will only be believed by the gullible halfwits and lobotomized imbeciles that constitute Fox’s intended demographic. Sensible people will see it for what it is: a piece of mindless – possibly hate-spewing – right-wing propaganda conceived by the money-grubbing, entertainment obsessed hacks employed by this squalid little excuse for a news network.