The Koran burning ruse


Rev. Terry Jones has more publicity for his church than he could have imagined in his wildest dreams. Liberals – closet, idiot or otherwise – are exposing themselves by endlessly mouthing deeply embedded clichés. Here are a few samples:

Petraeus – if we upset our enemies they might want to kills us! Remedy here (thanks sda).

Clinton: “regrettable”, “distrustful”, “disgraceful”, “outrageous”, “aberrational” – a red flag to a bull; now I want to burn one.

Peter MacKay: ““This initiative is insulting to Muslims and Canadians of all faiths who understand that freedom of thought and freedom of religion are fundamental to our way of living,” – well, Pete, that remark is insulting to anyone whose brain still functions. Rev. Jones is making a symbolic gesture: he’s not stopping Muslims worshipping whatever they want, nor is he burning every extant Koran. If we really agree with freedom of thought and religion, we should let Rev. Jones burn away shouldn’t we?

On the other side of the spectrum is a more entertaining bon mot from Ann Coulter: “It turns out I’m for it, but mostly because burning Qurans will contribute to global warming”.

Leaving aside the inefficacy of Rev. Jones’ novel outreach technique, if the concern for Koran burning were rooted in anything other than pusillanimity we would have heard a similar outcry against the piss Christ, the dung Madonna and the defacing Bible as Art wouldn’t we? But we didn’t.

Congratulations, Terry, you’ve hit the motherload.