What Dan Savage thinks in his darker moments

For those who have no idea who Dan Savage is, stop here if you do not wish to experience a rude awakening from your blissful ignorance. Otherwise, read on:

Daniel Keenan “Dan” Savage (born October 7, 1964) is an American author, media pundit, journalist and newspaper editor. Savage writes the internationally syndicated relationship and sex advice column Savage Love. In 2010, Savage and his husband Terry Miller began the It Gets Better Project to help prevent suicide among LGBT youth. He has also worked as a theater director, sometimes credited as Keenan Hollahan….

Savage and his husband, Terry Miller, have one adopted son, D.J., and were married in Vancouver, Canada in 2005. Following the 2012 legalization of gay marriage in Washington, he and Miller were part of the ceremonial first group of 11 couples to receive a Washington marriage license. Savage and Miller married at Seattle City Hall on December 9, 2012.

In a recent Australian panel discussion, Savage, on being asked what dangerous idea has the “greatest potential to change the world for the better”, answered instead, the question: “what stupidest idea has the greatest potential to change the world for the worse”:

“I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years”

One can only assume that Savage and Miller are not interested in adopting any more children – for 30 years, at least.

The whole episode is at the bottom of this post and is worth perusing if only to enjoy the masterful way Peter Hitchens effortlessly irritates the opposition by merely stating simple truths.


Abortion enthusiasts chant “Hail Satan”

From here:

It doesn’t get any more polarizing than God and the Devil.

As tensions over the abortion debate intensified at the Texas state legislature Tuesday, a religious-themed face-off took place in the form of a handful of hell-raising pro-choicers shouting “hail Satan” as pro-lifers swayed and sang “Amazing Grace.”

Here is the video:

For the Episcopal view, here is Rev. Katherine Ragsdale, Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School, a seminary of the Episcopal Church. She is a lesbian and in 2011 married another woman. In 2009 she declared that abortion is a blessing and abortionists are saints.

It might be less disingenuous if she just chanted “hail Satan”:

Babies begin to learn language in the womb

New research has demonstrated that babies begin to learn language while still in the womb. That makes what a BBC article calls a “foetus” – although later there is a slipup and reference is made to “babies” – a person, a defenceless person,  a defenceless person whose life should be protected by the law:

Now researchers in the US and Sweden have found evidence that we start learning language before we’re even born.

The study discovered that in the last 10 weeks of pregnancy, foetuses are listening to their mothers communicate. And when they are born, they can show what they’ve heard.

This does little to make Canada’s lack of protection for the unborn any less shameful or Stephen Harper’s refusal to even discuss it any less deplorable:

Conservative backbenchers are pushing to reopen the abortion debate, despite public assurances by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that the issue is settled.

More than 20 Conservative MPs and senators appeared at an anti-abortion rally on Parliament Hill on Thursday. Among them was Mark Warawa, the MP whose push for a vote on sex-selective abortion – and the right to simply raise the issue in the House of Commons – led other backbenchers to complain publicly they were being silenced by the Prime Minister’s Office.


The abortion issue leaves Mr. Harper with a dilemma. Asked for comment, his office declined to address the MPs’ statements but said the issue won’t be reopened.

March for Life: where are the Anglican clergy?

If you care to follow this twitter feed, you will glean some insight into what groups will be represented in today’s March for Life in Ottawa. A quick perusal reveals: CampgnLifeCoalition, MomsAgainstAbortion, Catholic Canada, Women of Grace, Right to Life, Archdiocese of TO, and even Liberal4life, not to mention Pro-Life Humanists.

Notable by its absence is a contingent of clergy from the Anglican Church of Canada; it can’t be an aversion to marches brought on, perhaps, by an outbreak of debilitating corns, since so many ACoC clergy are only too keen to march in the Toronto Pride Parade. The fact is, the Anglican Church of Canada is mysteriously silent on the issue of abortion. The church that tirelessly trumpets its commitment to prophetic social justice making is too fearful to take a stand on the sanctity of an unborn baby’s life; after all, it could be viewed as controversial.

Before you ask, no I’m not there, either; my excuse is I have a lawsuit to pay for.

Pro-life professor wants mercy for Kermit Gosnell

From here:

Abortionist Kermit Gosnell is facing the death penalty if he is convicted of the murders for which he is being tried in Philadelphia. Surely, the heinous acts of which he stands accused are depraved. They probably meet the criteria for capital punishment under Pennsylvania law. However, in the event that Gosnell is convicted, which seems likely, I am asking my fellow pro-lifers around the country to join me in requesting that his life be spared.


Richard Dawkins reckons a pig is more human than an unborn baby

A recent tweet:

Dawkins tweet

By his own lights Dawkins has a point. In a naturalistic interpretation of the universe, pigs and people are simply different arrangements of atoms, molecules and DNA: there is nothing to say one is worth more than another unless the yardstick for measuring worth is complexity, in which case a human would win – but not a foetus.

Again, by Dawkins’ own Darwinian lights, a civilisation that aborts its young is liable to select itself out in the competition to survive. Liberals are industriously aborting themselves into oblivion, leaving Roman Catholics, Muslims and the Third World as a fitting epitaph to the anti-civilisation that Dawkins is helping create.

It’s just as well that Dawkins is wrong: a human from the time of conception is made in the image of God and is of infinitely more value than a pig. Even Richard Dawkins was made in God’s image – hard to believe, I know.

ACNA bishops to participate in March for Life

It’s heartening to see that in the midst of a wilderness of Anglican indifference to abortion, there are fifteen bishops from the Anglican Church in North America willing to stand against it.

From here:

Fifteen Anglican bishops, including the Archbishop Robert Duncan, are slated to join Anglicans for Life and thousands of others from across the nation on Friday, January 25, 2013, in Washington, D.C. for the 40th Annual March for Life. The Anglican bishops will start the day in prayer by attending the ecumenical service at Constitution Hall (1776 D Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.) called the National Memorial for the Preborn and their Mothers and Fathers.

“I am honored to stand, along with my fellow bishops of the Anglican Church in North America, in recognition of the millions lost through abortion and to demonstrate our commitment to uphold the sanctity of life for all of God’s children,” said Archbishop Robert Duncan.

“The Anglican Church in North America has a deep commitment to the sanctity of life,” said Bishop John Guernsey of the Anglican Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic.  “Our hope is that the presence of so many of our bishops for the March for Life this year will help spur the Church to even greater support for the sanctity of human life.”

Happy 40th anniversary, 55 million dead babies

Mehcad Brooks who, apparently, acts in  “Necessary Roughness” and “True Blood”, toasts the 40th anniversary Roe v. Wade – with all the sincerity of an over-dressed pimp.

He does quite a bit of grunting at the end of the video, seemingly overcome by the heady aphrodisiac of contemplating 55 million murdered babies.

Baby in utero parties now in vogue

article-2256755-16BD8752000005DC-588_634x499From here:

Improved ultrasound technology, which gives parents mobile 3D and even 4D views of their unborn child, means parents-to-be are now throwing ‘baby in utero’ parties in the comfort of their homes.

For $350, companies like Baby Face and More, Peek a View, and Miracles Imaging, send licensed ultrasound technicians on house-calls, enabling couples to share an intimate glimpse of the baby, or reveal its gender in real time, with friends and family.

Kimberly Enderle, 29, told Today.com: ‘It’s our opportunity to see those little fingers and toes again,’ of her decision to host an ultrasound party ‘just for fun’.

I really don’t know what the matter is with these people: don’t they know that babies only exist outside the uterus? What they are looking at are foetuses, blobs of tissue, disposable growths that attached themselves uninvited to a woman’s body.

Abortion in Canada

Here are Canada’s 2009 abortion statistics published by the National Post in graph form – click on it for a full sized image.

As Peter Hitches noted:

Those who wonder what they would have done if they had lived at the time of some terrible injustice now know the answer. We do live in such a time. And we do nothing.

Nowhere does this apply more than Canada. Canada has no law limiting abortion no matter how well developed the baby or how flimsy the excuse. Abortion is used as birth control, girls are aborted because they are not boys, a twin is aborted because two babies are too many; babies are aborted because they cost money to bring up, because they interfere with careers and because they just get in the way.

All political parties are afraid to discuss abortion; other than the Roman Catholic church, mainline denominations are too dominated by feminists and their wimpish male sympathisers to protest and, apart from a few stalwart exceptions, Canada’s citizens follow the zeitgeist like mindless, bleating sheep.