An interview with Archbishop Linda Nicholls

Here is an interview with the Anglican Church of Canada’s new Primate.

We have a unique opportunity to witness within the Anglican Communion to what it means to live together in faith. In a world of increasing polarization where differences become reasons to hate, we are a Church that gathers first around our call in Jesus Christ. We have differences – language, culture, race, sexual orientation, liturgical preferences, theological preferences – and we could divide on any or all of these. Yet, our beloved Church seeks a unity in God built on respect, dignity of every person, and the humility grounded in our need for each other as we each seek to be faithful to the Gospel and need to hear how God is speaking to each of us and to the whole Church. Despite the sometimes pain of our differences – we are family in Christ.

As you can see, Nicholls is living in a fantasy world, where a fantasy church is undivided, unified and all live in harmony together. In our world, the Anglican Church of Canada divided in 2008 when parishes left en masse to join the Southern Cone and later ANiC. Those who remain are even less unified than in 2008 and, as we could see from the last General Synod, there was crying, wailing and people rolling on the floor in anguish. Delegates were not getting along with each other.

In fairness to Nicholls, though, she has been striving diligently for unity.

As this report predicts:

the results of a controversial study presented to Anglican bishops five years ago that said that at the present rate of decline – a loss of 13,000 members per year – only one Anglican would be left in Canada by 2061.

In the Diocese of Huron, no one has worked harder to close churches and watch as people flee than Nicholls. Today Huron, tomorrow the rest of the church until, by 2061, only one person will be left. Then we’ll have perfect unity.

17 thoughts on “An interview with Archbishop Linda Nicholls

  1. She is definitely not a bishop in the Christian church but an APOSTATE believing that her purple shirt and white collar allows her to interpret the scriptures to her own liking. With leaders such as this the ACoC cannot and will not survive as it is no longer a CHRISTIAN church but one that worships the god of political expediency.

  2. Born 1960 these topics just never came up at all

    But whenever it did was not nice

    Now it’s not so bad

    But at the same time is the above the proper way to solve all of this?

    The Bible mentions as to what is slavery & bondage & what produces fruit

    So, it’s a matter of being free from that & producing fruit

    Read the Bible as to what it encourages & discourages

  3. Here is a quote from another site asking the bishops to reconsider and pass the motion that would amend the church’s marriage canon to remove references to the sacrament being a union between a man and a woman:
    “I believe that love is not a choice, it’s an emotion! You can’t choose who you love anymore than you can choose not to breathe and continue to live. Man and woman; woman and woman, man and man, LGBQIT or straight…what difference does it make? We are all the same, we are all human and we all love. One of the oldest definitions of the word “gay” is “happy”. If love makes us happy then I guess we’re all gay!!”


  4. Still waiting for the question to be posed whether or not the Primate-Elect had foreknowledge of ‘A Word to The Church’ prior to the General Synod’s Marriage Canon vote?
    CBC curious?

    • Not sure what you mean. Word to the Church document came out in March. What was not explained was that it was going to be put forward as a “resolution” at GS, and then relied upon as a legal document/vote to counter the Canon revision vote. That’s the back pocket that Bell was referring to in the CBC interview. Not the document itself, but that it would be used at GS in the way it was.

      • Both the express intent and content of the March 16/19 document, as well as its irregular procedural application not only suggests, but demonstrates, the undermining of the outcome of GS voting re.Canon before it took place.
        Who knew what when?

  5. Exactly, Abigail. When I first read the Word to the Church document in March, I thought it was finally an attempt to legitimise and keep safe the TRADITIONAL view of marriage, not open the door to making “local option” legal. I saw it as a last chance to retain parishioners and their offerings who might leave BEFORE the vote. Was I gullible or what. Who knew what and when is now completely clear- those Bishops who approved SSM intended from then on to use the “two equally correct theological views of marriage” argument to go ahead with SSM regardless of any vote. Fraudulent governance.

    • The clear anti-Scriptural acceptance of homosexuality, both orientation as well as lifestyle, in any denomination, is the original offence: the imprimatur of an ecclesial apology its specious initial form. For example, in the PCC, the 2012 GA’s reversal of the clear Biblical Decision against this sin, as rendered by its 1996 GA, by way of its official “apology”* was first to the individual Cleric concerned; this then amplified with one to the collective on February 1, 2018. Once this takes place, both”sound doctrine” as well as open and orderly Biblical governance fall prey to the what Holy Scripture reveals as the favoured modus operandi of all sin and evil:deception. This same pattern can be detected in what has taken place in the CoSc, PCUSA, CoE, ECUSA, ECSc, the ACC; et al.
      (* the then ACC Editor of the PC ‘Presbyterian Record’ lauded this; in the alternative, v. ‘Order In The Church’, Joseph C. McLelland,Presbyterian College, McGill U, Contributing Editor, ‘The Presbyterian Record’, Oct.1996, pp. 20-21 “We appear to be on the slippery slope of degrading our Biblical foundation together with our Order of Ministry, which in our Church, stand or fall together.”).
      As such, given the decades old history of this in the ACC, re. ‘A Word to The Church’ represents an eleventh-hour stratagem to push the Church corporate into “acceptance”; the very genesis of the Resolution C003 to the 2013 GS exposes this selfsame deception.
      But for all the Scriptural-faithful Remnant, the “seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal”, as Holy Scripture also exhorts, these things are to be exposed and challenged:”Watch and Pray”;
      for each one of us, as “Members of His Body”, is accountable to no other than to Him Who is The Only King and Head of His Church, our LORD Jesus Christ.

      • A St. Columba ‘one more thing’: Since 2007 the Editorial policy of the PCC and ACC have been more than consonant, it betokens the PCC to do as the ACC has done with its ‘Anglican Journal’, and PRINT online, in full, those monthly issues of ‘The Presbyterian Record’, of sudden doctrinal decease in December, 2016. Then articles as that ref. infra ‘Order in The Church’ (“our knotty problem…the nature of the Order of Ministry, authority, and homosexuality”), as well as the late + (2017) Rev. Dr. William Klempa’s ‘Open Letter to The Church, May 11, 2016, would be as that Church’s Scriptural watchword enjoins:doing “all things openly and in order”.
        At present, this online avenue of information is closed; only accessed by contacting ‘the Communications Officer’…
        sounds like ‘The Ministry of Truth’.

        • “Fraudulent governance”: is under review in the vote vs. LGBTQI etc. in the Methodist Church USA, as reported at ‘Christian Post’ August 12, 2019;
          also was challenged at June 6, 2019, Sederunt 10 (Minutes online of The Presbyterian Church in Canada re. the Committee of Implications’ (!) adoption of their Report as a whole:
          on the provable grounds of “the process of the GA voting for the recommendations was irregular”; and “the right of Commissioners to Move to refer was wrongfully denied” ( refer back to the Committee)*, thus one registered Dissent, et al.
          The Clerks (Canon Lawyers) are “Scribes”; + Luke 20:45-47
          (“…long robes…highest seats in the Synagogues…devour widows’ houses…”)
          of whom our LORD Jesus Christ did forewarn His Church.
          planao: actively engages deceit, causing to wander; passive presents as erring, wandering out the way of moral truth.
          “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived”
          (planontes kai planomenoi). + II Timothy 3:13.

  6. To “live together in faith” would require having the same faith. What the Anglican church of Canada has become is something other than Christian and so the faith that it has is not the Faith that I have. Consequently there can be no walking or living together.

  7. The situation is quite clear. These APOSTATES have denounced the vows they made both at their ordination and consecration and each and every one of them should be forced to either resign or make a public confession and re-affirm their vows before again assuming any office.

  8. I have been posting a link to my books kindly hosted by David:

    Unfortunately there has been a wrong page 14 near the start of the .pdf file of O Love How Deep. I’m asking David to substitute a new file, and I’m sure he’ll do that very soon. If you have downloaded or worse still printed out you may want to look again and get the better p. 14.

    For those who know how to use Adobe Acrobat, it’s quite easy just to substitute a page from one file for another. It will be p. 14 in each file.

  9. Since February 1966, I have always believed in the one, invisible universal Church, not so much the visible church.

  10. “There are people (a great many of them) who are slowly ceasing to be Christians but who still call themselves by that name: some of them are clergymen.” – C. S. Lewis

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