Theatres showing Unplanned receive death threats

Unplanned is a pro-life film which has not yet been shown in Canada because Canadians don’t wish to be reminded that abortion kills babies and Canadian law does nothing to protect them. Nor, in spite of all their crowing about caring about society’s most vulnerable, do most mainline churches.

Those who claim to be “pro-choice” are actually not when it comes to choosing to see Unplanned. Two Canadian film theatres have received death threats because they are going to show the film. That must mean it is worth seeing.

From here:

Police are investigating death threats sent to two Canadian independent theatre owners because they are screening the pro-life movie Unplanned on July 12, LifeSiteNews has learned.

Unplanned dramatizes Abby Johnson’s conversion from Planned Parenthood abortion facility manager to pro-life advocate and was written, produced and directed by Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman.

As a safety measure, the movie’s producers have now removed from their website the comprehensive July 12 listing of 46 Canadian theatres — independents, Cineplex and Landmark locations — that will be showing Unplanned, Konzelman told LifeSiteNews.

They did so at the request of B.J. McKelvie, pastor and president of Fredericton-based Cinedicon, the Canadian distributor of the film.

McKelvie confirmed to LifeSiteNews that two Canadian independent cinema owners contacted police after receiving death threats they perceived as credible, and that they are “fearful for their families.”

Another Canadian independent theatre owner “has been harrassed to the extreme.”

One of the two owners who contacted the police has cancelled the Unplanned screening, but all the rest “are holding their ground,” McKelvie said.