Robert Gibbs goes to pieces and takes the language with him

There must be something good about Obama – although what, exactly eludes me – since Robert Gibbs tells us the left thinks he is like Bush:

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs has taken aim at the “professional left” for being unnecessarily harsh on U.S. President Barack Obama and pushing for a Canadian-style health-care system.

“They will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon,” the normally affable Gibbs says in an explosive interview published Tuesday in the congressional newspaper The Hill. “That’s not reality.”

Those on the left who claim Obama as president isn’t much different than George W. Bush, he added, “ought to be drug-tested.”

Poor Gibbs: this sort of philippic from a professional communicator is a sure sign of his imminent demise. To completely set every right-thinking person’s teeth on edge, he ends by butchering the Queen’s English with “There’s 101 things we’ve done.” .  There are, Gibbs, there are.