Reimagining people of faith

Here is a tweet by the Archbishop of Canterbury where he informs us he has been meeting people to discuss “peace and reconciliation as people of faith.” Not, you will note “as Christians” but “as people of faith”, a designation so devoid of meaning its use can only be attributed to a severe case of pathological platitude syndrome. After all, there is no such thing as a person with no faith: atheists have faith in their own rationality – usually misplaced in my experience – Druids have faith in animism and contemporary Anglicans have faith in dogma-free homoerotic subjectivism.

True peace and reconciliation can only be found through Christ; perhaps that has just temporarily slipped Justin Welby’s mind.

It must be an afternoon for irritating Canterbury tweets. Here is another one where Welby is reimagining religious leadership for the greater good of the world. Surely you can only reimagine something if it was imaginary in the first place? I suppose that does make sense if Welby is applying it to his leadership of the Anglican Communion.