Two respectable middle-aged men are shocked and embarrassed

What does it take to shock respectable middle-aged men these days? Acts of public lewdness? Teenagers with rings in their noses? 50 Shades of Grey? The price of a haircut?

When the self-styled respectable men are ageing homosexuals – homosexuality being the new yardstick by which we are expected to judge “respectability” – all it takes is to be told they can’t share a bed in someone else’s house.

Michael Black and John Morgan are sensitive souls – you can tell from John’s tattoos – so to soothe their ruffled sensibilities, they sued the Christian B&B owners where they were refused – not rooms, but a double bed – to prevent others from suffering the same emotionally devastating discrimination.

In actual fact, it is quite apparent from this video that the pair has derived considerable satisfaction from the whole episode of being supposedly wronged, vindicated and financially rewarded, not to mention the profound enjoyment of imposing their belief system on a couple of hapless Christians.

I wouldn’t be surprised if, before Christian B&B owners are driven irretrievably out of business, characters like Black and Morgan and Preddy and Hall spend future vacations scouring England for B&Bs owned by Christians in order to demand a room in the hope of being refused. All in the name of banishing any vestigial remnants of what used to be called decency – now renamed inequality – from England’s green and increasingly unpleasant land.