A faith test for the US presidential candidate

Mayor Bloomberg wants a presidential candidate who “believes in science”. What does that mean exactly?

It can’t mean a candidate who believes that science exists and it doesn’t mean merely the exclusion of a candidate who is so obdurately opposed to science that he has become a member of the flat earth society.

What it does means is a candidate who has adopted a couple of faith positions: first that materialistic evolution is true and, second, that anthropogenic global warming is occurring. The former is scientifically unprovable and the latter is more a product of political correctness than science.

Imagine the outcry if Mayor Bloomberg had demanded a candidate who believes in Christianity.

From here:

Belief in science should be a no-brainer, especially for anyone running for President, Mayor Bloomberg groused Thursday.

The mayor used an international economic forum at Columbia University to pop off against any candidates who doubt the science behind hot-button political topics such as evolution and global warming.

“We have presidential candidates who don’t believe in science,” Bloomberg said, without singling out dubious Republican candidates directly.

“I mean, just think about it, can you imagine a company of any size in the world where the CEO said ‘oh I don’t believe in science’ and that person surviving to the end of that day? Are you kidding me? It’s mind-boggling!”

Bloomberg grew coy when asked which candidate he was talking about.

“I don’t know,” he said. “You can check the presidential candidates’ speeches… I don’t have time to go do it but all their speeches, everything they said.”

Only one GOP contender – former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman – has come out full force saying he believes in science.

“To be clear, I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy,” he wrote on Twitter. He later attacked Rick Perry on “This Week” when he said, “The minute that the Republican Party becomes the anti-science party – we have a huge problem.”