Christian refugee denied entry to Canada because his Christianity was too creedal

From here:

A Chinese migrant seeking refugee status in Canada on the grounds that he faced persecution back home for his Christian beliefs was repeatedly asked by the Immigration and Refugee Board last year to describe what Jesus was “like as a person.”

The man’s inability to attribute human characteristics to Jesus formed part of the board’s decision to deny his refugee claim.

The details are contained in a recent Federal Court ruling, which dismissed the man’s application for a judicial review of the board’s decision but did agree that the board’s line of questioning about Jesus was “somewhat awkward.”

Wu Xin Wang came to Canada in April 2007 on a temporary work permit and made his claim for refugee protection in January 2008.

In documents filed with the immigration board, he claimed that he had received a call from his wife in China, who told him that officials from China’s Public Security Bureau had visited their home and were investigating illegal church activities.

Prior to his move to Canada, Mr. Wang said, he had been a member of an underground Christian church and sometimes acted as a lookout during church services.

In assessing Mr. Wang’s refugee claim, board adjudicator Daniel McSweeney asked Mr. Wang: “So tell me about Jesus as a person. What was he like?

“Jesus is son of God,” Mr. Wang said.

“I am not asking who he was or what he did. I am asking what is he like as a person,” Mr. McSweeney said.

“Jesus was conceived through the holy ghost and was born in this world,” Mr. Wang replied.

The answer did not satisfy the board member. “Anybody could memorize a creed and recite the creed. I want to know what you believe and what you know of Jesus as a person.”

“In my heart he is my saviour,” Mr. Wang answered.

“That is not . . . again, tell me what Jesus is as a person and this is the last time I am going to ask you.”

“I am sorry I really do not know how to answer.”

Obviously Mr.Wang was too definitively certain about his beliefs, and naively expected that someone whose faith smacks so much of authentic Christianity could convince immigration authorities that he adhered to the same religion as that merchandised by mainline denominations. He should have told the board that Jesus was a loving, non-judgemental, inclusive human (avoid the word man at all costs), not the only way to God, but one of many diverse paths, all equally valid.

That would have got him in.