British taxpayers funding Homotopia Art Festival

Having led a sheltered life, I had never heard of “Homotopia” and assumed it was a new process for sterilising milk. But, no.

From here:

Liverpool’s Homotopia art festival has been granted funding for the next three years.

The annual art and culture event will receive £70,000 a year for the next three years from Arts Council England.

Judging by a sampling of last year’s “art”, it all sounds like a bit of harmless fun the average taxpayer would be only too delighted to pay for:

Midnight Mass Peaches Christ presents All About Evil

A San Francisco phenomenon, the underground hit that is Midnight Mass makes its UK debut starring horror hostess Peaches Christ in this Rocky Horror-style celebration of bad, trash and cult movie making. The infamous pre-show includes free lap dances with every large popcorn from a retinue of dude girls, a roller girl conga line, audience makeovers and unspeakable live participation.