The deification of Gandhi

Reverend Adela Torchia from the Diocese of New Westminster has written a new book about Gandhi.

Here is a synopsis:

This book deals with a Gandhian ethics of economics which helps us to reengage the religion and ecology debate, and to re-envision ecology’s more-with-less philosophy as an invitation to liberation rather than deprivation. Many world religions see creation and nature as sacred, and encourage a responsible rather than wasteful approach to the material world. While traditional asceticism has often been seen as life-negating, a Gandhian inspired neo-asceticism goes beyond kenosis towards a renewed appreciation of the beauty and joy of a life of less consumption, and greater compassion for all living beings. Spiritual masters have often taught the dangers of materialism, and such dangers have taken on new meaning in a 21st century ecological context. Last, but not least, this book recognizes the new paths towards better interreligious dialogue that have opened up as a result of a common concern for the ecological well-being of the earth.

For those who are not already asleep and thirst for more: the book can be yours for a mere $107.75, a price suggested by inspired neo-asceticism.

On the other hand, if, like me, you subscribe to the idea that Jeremiah 17:9 applies to everyone, even Gandhi, you might be more interested in this book about him; the author has  avoided the dangers of materialism by charging the reader only $13.99 for the book.

As British historian Andrew Roberts points out in his review of the book, Gandhi was “was a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist” who was a “ceaseless self-promoter”. He left his wife because he fell for a male body builder, an infatuation which did not prevent him, when in his 70s, from going to bed naked with his 17 year old niece whom he treated with gleefully sadistic disdain.

Other than that, he was an exemplary ascetic.

Gandhi: non-violence and Vaseline

In much the same way as Leo Tolstoy, Gandhi promoted non-violence as a panacea for all strife, both personal and political. Although as a Christian it is easy to sympathise with the former, Gandhi’s formula only worked against the British Raj because, by the time Gandhi applied it, it also had little appetite for sustained violence.

The advice he gave to Jews, – a single Jew standing up and refusing to bow to Hitler’s decrees might be enough to melt Hitler’s heart – is nothing less than the fevered raving of a deranged mind.

It comes as no surprise, then, that a new biography of Gandhi reveals that his sexual antics were no less fevered and deranged.

No wonder Bishop Michael Ingham holds Gandhi up as a archetype worthy of emulation.

From here:

Gandhi’s pejorative reference to nakedness is ironic considering that, as Mr. Lelyveld details, when he was in his 70s and close to leading India to independence, he encouraged his 17-year-old great-niece, Manu, to be naked during her “nightly cuddles” with him. After sacking several long-standing and loyal members of his 100-strong personal entourage who might disapprove of this part of his spiritual quest, Gandhi began sleeping naked with Manu and other young women. He told a woman on one occasion: “Despite my best efforts, the organ remained aroused. It was an altogether strange and shameful experience.”

Yet he could also be vicious to Manu, whom he on one occasion forced to walk through a thick jungle where sexual assaults had occurred in order for her to retrieve a pumice stone that he liked to use on his feet. When she returned in tears, Gandhi “cackled” with laughter at her and said: “If some ruffian had carried you off and you had met your death courageously, my heart would have danced with joy.”

Yet as Mr. Lelyveld makes abundantly clear, Gandhi’s organ probably only rarely became aroused with his naked young ladies, because the love of his life was a German-Jewish architect and bodybuilder, Hermann Kallenbach, for whom Gandhi left his wife in 1908. “Your portrait (the only one) stands on my mantelpiece in my bedroom,” he wrote to Kallenbach. “The mantelpiece is opposite to the bed.” For some reason, cotton wool and Vaseline were “a constant reminder” of Kallenbach, which Mr. Lelyveld believes might relate to the enemas Gandhi gave himself, although there could be other, less generous, explanations.

Gandhi wrote to Kallenbach about “how completely you have taken possession of my body. This is slavery with a vengeance.” Gandhi nicknamed himself “Upper House” and Kallenbach “Lower House,” and he made Lower House promise not to “look lustfully upon any woman.” The two then pledged “more love, and yet more love . . . such love as they hope the world has not yet seen.”