Rowan Williams tells the Queen what she needs to be saved from

Corporate greed, environmental contamination, the fear of strangers, contempt for the unsuccessful and “many more things”, except hell, of course.

And what will do the saving? Nothing supernatural, just “a whole community rejoicing together – being glad of each other’s happiness and safety”.

I can’t understand why Rowan, while he had the attention of such an august audience, didn’t make the most of it and deliver a lecture on the merits of Sharia law; he’s going soft.

From here:

He said: ‘Moralists, including Archbishops, can thunder away as much as they like; but they’ll make no difference unless and until people see that there is something transforming and exhilarating about the prospect of a whole community rejoicing together – being glad of each other’s happiness and safety.

‘This alone is what will save us from the traps of ludicrous financial greed, of environmental recklessness, of collective fear of strangers and collective contempt for the unsuccessful and marginal – and many more things that we see far too much of, around us and within us.’