Our priorities are Wikiwonky

A 17 year old boy was arrested recently because he mounted a Denial of Service attack that brought down the servers for the online version of Call of Duty.

Meanwhile, back in the real word (RL as compulsive gamers like to call it), in retribution for cutting off Wikileaks’ funding and saying unkind things about Julian Assange, hackers have mounted Denial of Service attacks on the sites of Visa, Paypal, Mastercard, the Swedish Government, Sarah Palin, and are openly advertising how others can join in the fun.

And no-one has been arrested – well, other than Julian Assange for not using a condom.

Call of Duty is a very good game – if a trifle violent – but it’s difficult not to spot the disproportionate amount of energy the law is expending on protecting on-line gamers while ignoring acts that have the potential to bring down banks and governments.

Any doubts that Wikileaks means business should be dispelled by the sight of the hardened bunkers used to house its servers:

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Submarine engines converted to run a UPS:

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And Wiki Elves toiling away:

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Here is a report from the BBC:

[flv:https://www.anglicansamizdat.net/wordpress/videos/Wikileaks-BBC.flv 700 400]