William Cliff inhibited three days after being elected bishop of Ontario

Jeremiah 17:9 strikes again.

To the Anglican Church of Canada’s credit, those in charge acted quickly after as yet unspecified allegations were made against Cliff, in spite of a possible temptation to sweep it under the rug.

No-one is immune. Recently Canon Mike Pilavachi, pastor at an orthodox Anglican church in the UK has stepped down because of allegations of dubious behaviour. And, of course, there was Ravi Zacharias, Jean Vanier and numerous other less illustrious examples, liberal and conservative.

As Psalm 146 advises: Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help

That includes clerical princes.

From here:

Only three days after he was elected as the next Bishop of Ontario, Bishop William Cliff of the Diocese of Brandon has been inhibited in both the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario by Metropolitan Anne Germond and in his home Province of Rupert’s Land by Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson.

An allegation has been received by Archbishop Germond, and she reports that “the proper authorities have been informed.” The nature of the allegation has not been made public.

While the allegation is being investigated, Bishop Cliff may not exercise the functions of ordained ministry.

He was to succeed Bishop Michael Oulton, who wrote to the diocese May 2: