Ripples of Anglican angst

The Anglican Church of Canada has placed itself in the odd position of protesting that not everything it does is coloured by obsessive homoerotism while at the same time claiming that the entire province is reeling in shocked disbelief that the marriage canon change failed to pass at synod.

The reality is that dioceses that want to marry same sex couples are doing so regardless of the vote so it makes no practical difference, and the average person in the pew is indifferent to the all the theatrical antics because he is too old and set in his ways to contemplate whether copulating with someone of the same sex is even possible or worth the attempt, let alone whether the church approves of it.

From here:

Marriage vote failure ripples through church

General Synod’s failure to pass a resolution to amend the marriage canon to expressly allow solemnization of same-sex marriage, followed by a communiqué from the House of Bishops effectively commending diocesan-based decisions on the matter, has triggered a wave of responses across the Anglican Church of Canada. Bishops, priests, laity, officers and deacons alike have weighed in with concerns about the decision. Some bishops, including then-Primate-elect Linda Nicholls in her capacity as bishop of Huron, have outlined plans to exercise a “local option” for same sex marriage in their dioceses.


The initial announcement of the vote results left many synod members visibly in shock, with some crying. Almost immediately, delegates approached the microphones and asked about the process by which General Synod could reconsider a vote. But Primate Fred Hiltz, acknowledging the “pain in this place,” soon moved to dismiss synod for the night.

The emotional upheaval caused by the results led to official statements from all levels of the church. First to respond on July 15 was the House of Bishops, whose members had played the decisive role in voting against the motion. 

4 thoughts on “Ripples of Anglican angst

  1. The “local option”, under the specious reason of ‘pastoral’ care*, still registers as the “lawless” state of spiritual of affairs JESUS foretold would take place just prior to The Day of The LORD + Matthew ch. 24:
    “false prophets”/ false doctrine deceiving many; leading ineluctably to lawlessness/”iniquity shall abound”; whereby the ‘agape’ ofChrist’s Selfless + love will “wax cold”, and worldly, deadly lust will abound – IN The Churches.
    Love of “the accursed thing”-“the Babylonish garment” + Joshua ch. 7, so much favoured by Latter Days Fallen and Falling Churches, does not End well.
    ( V. “Pastoral Letter”/’local option’ (q.-“holding two definitions of marriage means that we are deciding to love and respect one another with our differences”…) of The Presbyterian Church in Canada Moderator, September 3, 2019, – the same Cleric(?) who, at the recent heretical to apostate General Assembly, June 2019, cited how the ACC was filled with “joy” when the 2016 General Synod vote on ss ‘marriage’ on a recount carried.)
    Shemah + Zephaniah ch. 1 at ‘Bible Discovery’, September 12, 2019, where the inverse Order of Divine Creation will be the first order, Priests among them, to fall to Divine Judgment on The Day of The LORD.

    • As Ingathered Israel votes today, elul 17, 5779, September 17, 2019, Orthodox Rabbi Avraham Gordiner presents this mounting case, now verging on fifty years within Judaism; read at ‘A7 National News’ his response article with links “Halakha and LGBT”; the latter “calls for violating Torah, and placing a competing concern above halakha”;
      Rabbi Gordiner, by contrast, counsels reading Vayikra 18:22 ( + Leviticus 18:22) on whose Divine Authority he concludes:
      “We are eternally bound by The Torah, which cannot be overturned or disavowed.”
      Yeshua, The Living WORD, says ‘Amen’ + Matthew 5:17,18. Amen.

  2. So typical of these sin seekers. When they get their way they expect and demand everyone to be fully onboard their bus-ride to hell. A kind of “no-one left behind” mentality. However when things do not go their way they react and behave like the worst spoiled children, making outrageous claims of hurt and oppression. They then proceed to do what they wanted to do anyway, even though that means completely ignoring the results of what should have been a binding process. But in their little minds it would have been binding if it was what they wanted, but it was not what they wanted and so it is not binding. They are too feeble minded, or self obsessed to see this hypocrisy.

    It really is all too sad a state of affairs. These sin seekers are too blinded by their sinful lusts to be able to see that they are killing their church.

  3. I think Bonhoeffer said it well back in 1937: “Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of the church. We are fighting today for costly grace.” This sentence is the beginning of his book, The Cost of Discipleship. It is an exposition of the Sermon on the Mountain, Matthew chapter 5 to 7. And back in Nazi Germany, Bonhoeffer was part of a church struggle against the liberal christians, who were able to blend their faith with German nationalism. The story of the confessing church in Germany of those times is a great story of courage and faith in difficult times.

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