Clergy protest election of homosexual bishop in Toronto

A number of clergy have written to Justin Welby and the Ontario College of Bishops to protest the election of Rev. Canon Kevin Robertson to the position of suffragan bishop. Robertson is married to a man and sees his election as another step towards, in his words, “the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life of our church”.

The protest is a valiant if futile effort to stem the tide of the inevitable. The protesters in the letters below have been saying much the same thing for at least 10 years, probably longer. At each stage, from same-sex blessings to homosexual clergy to homosexual activity not being contrary to the church’s core doctrine – what’s left of it – to, finally, same-sex marriage and homosexual bishops, the protests were as heartfelt as they were impotent. The steady drip, drip of liberal heresy has been accumulating volume and momentum for decades; there will be no stopping it.

The small satisfaction one might take from all this is that the most severe judgement God visits on his people is to remove the restraints that contain the evil in our midst and let us have what we think we want. The Anglican Church of Canada is getting what it wants and therein lies its doom.

I think the signatories below should have extracted themselves from the ACoC years ago. It still isn’t too late – but it may be soon.

From VOL:

The Most Reverend and Right Honourable the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury

Lambeth Palace, London


Your Grace,

On September 17, 2016, the Diocese of Toronto voted on a slate of episcopal candidates that included a candidate in an active same-sex relationship.

We write to protest the election itself and to dissent publicly from the diocesan and provincial concurrence with its results.

We hold that the election is out of order insofar as its slate included a candidate whose lifestyle is contrary to the teaching of the historic and universal church on chastity and marriage, and contrary to the present doctrine and discipline of the Anglican Church of Canada. According to the Constitution and Canons governing episcopal elections this candidate is, therefore, not duly qualified for the office of bishop and the election as a whole was irregular.

We protested in writing to the Nominations Committee, Chancellor and Archbishop of Toronto before the electoral Synod. We protested publicly on the floor of Synod before the election began. We protested again after the Synod, asking the House of Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario to withhold concurrence (letter attached). In every case the explanation offered was inadequate and the protest was dismissed.

We note that the Marriage Canon of the Anglican Church of Canada, which understands Christian marriage to be between one man and one woman, still stands. We wish to uphold it in our lives, in our teaching and in our churches. These developments create an unconscionable situation for many of the clergy and people.

Therefore we register our dissent and ask for your intervention. We ask for your prayers and the prayers of the wider Communion as we seek to move forward faithfully.

Yours, in Christ,

The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Henderson

The Rev. Canon Dr. Dean Mercer

The Rev. Dr. Catherine Sider-Hamilton


September 22, 2016

To the College of Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

We write in protest against the electoral Synod held this past Saturday, September 17, in the Diocese of Toronto. We charge that the three episcopal elections were out of order and we request the Ontario College of Bishops to withhold their concurrence of all three elections.

We do so for two reasons.

First, a candidate in an active same-sex relationship contradicts, by word and example, the doctrine and discipline of the Church.

According to the constitution and canons governing nominations, this candidate was not “duly qualified” to stand for the office of bishop and ought not to have been approved by the Nominations Committee. The slate put forward by the Nominations Committee was therefore out of order.

A protest was made on the floor of Synod against the Nominations Committee’s approval of a slate of candidates that included a candidate whose lifestyle is contrary to the doctrine and discipline of the Anglican Church of Canada. We made a similar protest in writing on July 6, and again on September 8 and September 14, to the Nominations Committee, the Chancellor and the Archbishop.

The reasons eventually offered by the Archbishop in explanation of the slate thus constituted are tendentious and contested. We note further that this explanation came a full two months after our initial letter and just days before the electoral synod.

The Archbishop’s explanation was threefold. The Anglican Church of Canada had recognized the “sanctity and integrity” of same-sex relations at General Synod, 2004. No mention was made that this motion was passed by a show of hands, and was explicitly declared to be non-doctrinal and pastoral the day after a decision on the blessing of same-sex unions had been deferred for another three years.

Secondly, the Archbishop stated that in his judgement and the judgement of the Chancellor of the Anglican Church of Canada, the Marriage Canon was underdetermined and therefore did not rule out same sex marriage. We replied that it was an astonishing claim that there is no settled definition of marriage in the church and further astonishing that this tendentious and undemonstrated claim should serve as the basis for proceeding without any chance for a critical response.

Thirdly, the Archbishop pointed to the first-reading approval of a change to the doctrine of marriage at General Synod. We noted that this had no bearing on the vetting of a candidate in June. Further, until the second reading the existing Canon stands.

The explanation offered–belatedly–for the Nominations Committee’s approval of a slate of candidates including a candidate in a same sex relationship is in every point unconvincing.

Secondly, in addition to the reasons for which we object to the action, in fairness to the Synod of the Diocese of Toronto the exceptional circumstances of the candidate ought to have been publicly noted. There is no way to measure the degree to which voting was skewed across the three elections by his presence or the degree to which delegates were aware of the significance of their voting. In fairness, the explanation we received in the last few days before the election ought to have been made public well before the election was called and open to review and response.

We protest the timing of the response (a two-month delay, with the Archbishop’s final response arriving the evening before the opening of the synod). We protest the failure of the Bishops to make any public explanation available to the people of the diocese. And we repeat our objection to the slate. We hold it to be invalid and the elections to be out of order. We ask the House of Bishops of the Province of Ontario to withhold concurrence.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Henderson

The Rev. Canon Dr. Dean Mercer

The Rev. Dr. Catherine Sider-Hamilton

8 thoughts on “Clergy protest election of homosexual bishop in Toronto

  1. Well, BallBounces, we left the ACoC some 12 years ago, after serving it for over
    40 years – that’s when the ‘come out from among them’ kicked in for us. There was a lot of pain in that decision and reading something like this brings that pain back all over again. We have found an orthodox and loving Anglican church to serve, but such a decision and subsequent move should never have been necessary.

  2. I have to respect these three prophetic voices in the ACoC. Many of us have already washed our hands or shaken the dust off our feet, but if they still believe that God can salvage what they have invested so much in… then I will pray that God will encourage, strengthen and protect them…

    • I agree. Although I have left, I know others who stayed, and every time I am tempted to judge their decision, I am reminded of “Athanasius Contra Mundum.”

  3. An interesting quote from Doug Wilson, “Athanasius had to stand contra mundum [against the world], and it is he who is the representative man from that era, and not the whole world he had to contend against.”
    If these three are correct, and there is something to be salvaged in the ACoC, and by some miracle of God it is turned back to the truth, they are the ones who will be remembered favorably, not the current leadership that now seems determined to drive it into oblivion?
    The latter may only be remembered if they succeed in doing so.

  4. I have been a worship leader in the Anglican sphere since 1990 and I submit in surrender to the Lord with the following words from Psalm 19 : “May the words of my mouth and the mediations of my heart be pleasing to you.” Knowing I need the grace of the Lord to do so and not being perfect in myself, I count on His perfection. I do so and believe so as I am a public servant in the household of God.

    To be quite graphic and direct, I don’t want to hear the words of the good news coming out of a mouth that has had an unnatural act take place in that same mouth. Placing leaders over us that are in this condition but” say all the right words” still pollutes the gospel and our worship. If the “mediations of our hearts”, is practicing the unnatural desire of sexual attraction to a same sex person which is plain old sin, same as lying, cheating, fornication etc. how can that be pleasing to God? May God have mercy on us all.

  5. As the beleaguered RC Regis College Professor at University of Toronto is discovering in his solitary battle to stay the pink tide of Cultural Marxism, already awash in U. of T. Divinity halls- Presbyterian Knox College barely excepted – this issue now revisits the key issue: as goes the Divinity training, so go the Pulpits of all denominations. The ACoC recent apostate appointee of the equally apostate Archbishop of Toronto amply proves the point. It soon is coming to a Church and their Colleges near you; namely, that Holy Scripture’s salutary ‘Come out of her, My People’ (+ The Revelation of Jesus Christ 18:4) will be transmogrified into ‘Come out’ for ALL- whether of not one actually is!
    This is unfolding as it ought not in once law-abiding and democratic Canada; it is threatening America if Mrs.Planned Parenthood prevails – the arch enemy of both The Constitution and thereby of both the unborn and the partially born. May The LORD in His mercy deliver us all.

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