Some animals are more equal than others

Fidel Castro, having built a socialist paradise chose not to live it himself, preferring instead to indulge in the fruits of capitalism: yachts, servants, his own island, gourmet food and every luxury his vast wealth could afford. Including Viagra to fuel his waning appetites in old age. It will be a cold day in Combinado del Este before Oliver Stone makes a documentary about that, of course.

From here:

In a new, 338-page memoir, titled The Hidden Life Of Fidel Castro (published in France by Michel Lafon and co-authored by Axel Gyldén), Sanchez, an employee of 20 years’ standing, lifts the lid on the luxurious excesses enjoyed by the autocrat and his inner circle.

The book portrays a man obsessed with power and money, who styled himself as a hero of the working classes while living the opulent existence of a medieval potentate.