Why are religious leaders not decrying the violent end of Muammar Gaddafi?

When Osama bin Laden was killed, prominent bishops and clergy were falling all over themselves to denounce the injustice, warn against Western rejoicing, and fulminate against militarism.

When Gaddafi was summarily despatched, there was silence in the ecclesiastical ether.  It seems Gaddafi was sodomised with a stick to cries of “Allah Akbar” shortly before the final bullet. Those who are into that kind of thing can find the video here.

Is it the cry of “Allah Akbar”, the sodomy, indifference to Arabic Islamists murdering one another or all of the aforementioned that has prevented the tut-tutting of pious clerics?

We may never know. One thing is certain: if an American had delivered the coup de grâce – or the stick – the ecclesiastical screeching would have been deafening.