Diocese of Athabasca will abide by Marriage Canon vote

The Diocese of Athabasca is one of the few dioceses that is taking the failed vote to change the Marriage Canon seriously: it will not be marrying same-sex couples.

The diocese has also stated that the “Word to the Church” resolution, which did pass, is not an endorsement of a local option; most other bishops have the opposite view. Confusion and ambiguity walking together.

From here:

The one item of discussion that drew most of the attention and energy was the second reading of proposed changes to Canon XXl (the Marriage Canon). A change to this canon requires passage by a 2/3 majority in each of the orders (laity, clergy, and bishops) voting separately at two successive general synods. The proposed change achieved this in 2016 and thus was presented for the second time on July 12th. The resolution failed to pass in the Order of Bishops and was therefore defeated. This means the canon has not changed, and the church did not decide to part ways with the church’s doctrine. As had been foreseen, both the consideration and decision were very difficult and brought pain to those involved and those affected. The day before the resolution was considered, a “Word to the Church” from the Council of General Synod was adopted by the meeting, and this was reflected in a statement issued from the bishops on the Monday following the vote. These both recognize that we do not have unity in our thinking about marriage, understanding of scripture, or pastoral response. These also indicate a commitment to work together and to treat one another with dignity. These statements include an acknowledgement that some bishops, with their dioceses, have chosen to allow for some expression of same-sex marriage (what has been called “local option”). While some have interpreted this as affirmation or endorsement of “local option”, this is not accurate. The Diocese of Athabasca will continue to live within the bounds of the current canon and doctrine of the Church Catholic. While doing so, it is with the expectation that every person who comes to the church or who we encounter is treated with grace and honour. All who wish to live as disciples of Jesus are welcome as part of our Christian family.