Bishop Michael Ingham tells us that all the great religions lead to God

Christians believe that when Jesus said “no-one comes to the Father except through me”, he meant it. If Jesus was wrong and, as Ingham says, “all the great religions are authentic pathways to God”, Jesus blundered rather badly, didn’t really need to die on the cross for our sins and suffered from delusions of grandeur.

Or perhaps it’s Michael Ingham who suffers the delusions.

It’s very difficult to see how someone can be a Christian and not take one of Jesus’ major claims seriously; it’s even harder to see how that person could be a bishop in a Christian church – but, then, he is a bishop in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Bishop Michael Ingham is not a Christian

I’ve been meaning to say that for a while.

He doesn’t believe in the bodily Resurrection of Jesus

He doesn’t believe in the Virgin Birth

He doesn’t believe in the Divinity of Jesus

He doesn’t believe in the uniqueness of Jesus or that Jesus is the only way to the Father

He is not a Christian.