Nobody loves the Anglican Covenant

Although a vote passed in the Church of England synod saying “[t]hat the draft Act of Synod adopting the Anglican Communion Covenant be considered”, the homosexualist lobby, having decided that there is no Anglican crisis, has already rejected it and now the GAFCON Primates, having decided that the crisis has already broken the Communion beyond repair, have also rejected it:

For the sake of Christ and of His Gospel we can no longer maintain the illusion of normalcy and so we join with other Primates from the Global South in declaring that we will not be present at the next Primates’ meeting to be held in Ireland. And while we acknowledge that the efforts to heal our brokenness through the introduction of an Anglican Covenant were well intentioned we have come to the conclusion the current text is fatally flawed and so support for this initiative is no longer appropriate.

Rowan Williams’ strategy all along has been to find a middle ground in all this. He has been forced to do that himself since he is personally sympathetic to homosexual marriage and homosexual bishops but leads millions of Anglicans who are not. The Covenant, to some extent, represents the middle ground that he seems to be comfortable with; it is not something he will be able to sell to the rest of the Communion, though.  That is probably because for those with a less convoluted thought process than Rowan, it is obvious that to pretend that two irreconcilable opposites can comfortably coexist is blatant  hypocrisy.

We don’t need no stinkin’ covenant

That’s the sum total of the argument to be found on a new site proclaiming “Anglicans for Comprehensive Unity”, a phrase whose oxymoronic message is aggravated by the uneasy proximity of “Anglicans” and “Unity”.

Anglican churches are being asked to adopt a so-called Anglican Covenant that seeks to bind them more tightly to one another and to codify procedures by which future disputes within the Anglican Communion will be resolved.

We believe that this covenant is ill-conceived. In response to the reputed “crisis” in the Communion, drafters of the covenant have favoured coercion over the hard work of reconciliation.

Of course, if it is only a “so-called” Covenant, not a real one and the crisis is only a “crisis” by repute, why even bother to set up a so called No Anglican Covenant Coalition? Must be because we don’t need no stinkin’ covenant.