Bishop Jane Alexander denies tapping into the Zeitgeist while doing it

Here are bishop’s remarks at synod in support of same-sex marriage:


Her opening gambit, declaring LGBT people are “not an abomination” is a loaded statement along the lines of “when did you stop beating your wife?” It presupposes that there are conservatives in the church who think they are an abomination: no conservative I know thinks that.

She goes on to say that every person at the synod is “a beloved child of God”. Not quite. Every person is loved by God but before we receive Christ as Lord and Saviour, we are his creatures still in our sins deserving his wrath, not his children. Since this is an Anglican synod full of those averse to such ideas, I am sure there were at least some there that fell into the category of “creature”.

She moves then to piously declare that she will not pronounce LGBT people “not good enough” marry because, after all, we all take Communion together. This is another “when did you stop beating your wife?” statement. It has nothing to do with being “good enough”, it is a category error. Without redefining “marriage”, it is as impossible for a man to marry a man or a woman a woman as it is for them to marry a cabbage.

The bishop then meanders into the fantasy that marriage has little to do with sex so, by implication, we needn’t worry ourselves about the things homosexual couples get up to. Marriage is about relationship, not sex. No so: marriage is about relationship, erotic love and sex.

Now we reach the nub of the matter. Because Christian marriage is counter-cultural (it is), it must also be counter-cultural to marry homosexuals (it isn’t). The Anglican church is obsessed with homoerotic sexuality, just like the culture in which it immersed. It has absorbed, re-packaged and then regurgitated the obsession, but it is the same obsession: it is not counter-cultural.

This is the church pandering to culture.

4 thoughts on “Bishop Jane Alexander denies tapping into the Zeitgeist while doing it

    • Considering the current apostate primae I would not in the least be surprised. It is more than ludicrous to suggest that since we all take communion together makes us all good. The teaching of Scripture is quite clear on the matter of same-sex attraction and any genuine bishop or other leader in the Christian church would uphold the authority of the Bible and not worship that detestable “god of political expediency”. If they did so our society and politicians would stand up for the truth. As it is the apostates within both the ACoC and other so-called Christian churches have fallen in line with the false beliefs of many in our society – those who have either walked away from Christian standards or who have never had such teachings in their lives. Most in society believe there is a “god” but have not been taught to accept the true GOD – the God of the Scriptures.

  1. Not good enough to marry? In fact, conservatives believe LGBT etc. are ‘good enough’ to marry the opposite sex, as God intended. Because humans are not ontologically defined by their disordered impulses. We have a higher view of persons with same-sex attractions than they have of themselves.

  2. In what other profession would a primitive ignoramus be accounted a junior member, let alone a leader?

    David, the classic question is “Have you stopped beating your wife yet?” The point is that it cannot be answered (by a man of course) to one’s own credit.

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