Adam’s gender is ‘more poetic than clear cut’

Thus blazes an Anglican Journal headline for an article about the Anglican Church of Canada’s new trial liturgies for gender transition.

Apparently, the mistake we’ve been making for the last 6,000 years or so is to fall into the trap of thinking that men and women actually exist. They don’t. There is only humanity. Now we’ve finally realised that we have taken “an amazing step forward into full inclusion.” Or, depending on your perspective, confirmed Sophocles’ warning: “those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad”.

Read all about it here:

“Although [Christianity] has followed cultural norms about gender wherever it’s been lived and expressed, there is in its theology and its foundation documents in the New Testament a considerable focus on our humanity and not on our gender,” Beardsley said. This focus on humanity rather than gender find reflection in one of the liturgies CoGS commended for trial use, “A Blessing Over the Process of Gender Transition”. This blessing states that according to Scripture, the “first human’s gender is more poetic than clear cut—this first human embodiment included maleness, femaleness, and more than these—all of this was affirmed as very good.” The Rev. Theo Robinson, a transgender priest at Interlake Regional Shared Ministry and consultative body member, called approval of the liturgies for trial use “an amazing step forward into full inclusion.”

13 thoughts on “Adam’s gender is ‘more poetic than clear cut’

    • This must be the thinking, but not the self-professed “biology”, of President Biden’s SCOTUS Nomine(e), Judge Kiaji Brown Jackson as she did answer in her current Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearings. If she is not confirmed there, she could turn up at the now deferred ACC General Synod in July, 2023 – to add further biological clarity.

  1. Just further proof that the ACoC has abandoned any semblance of Christianity and worship the “god of political expedience”. It is long past the time for the apostate bishops to be removed from office and those who choose to simply “walk the line” to make a firm stand for the faith.

  2. In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:18-25), not Adam and Adam, or Eve and Eve, whether we like it or not.

  3. How unfortunate that “the father of lies” + John 8 was not a master of versification,
    “Yea, hath GOD said?” + Genesis 3:1.
    Milton did him the kindness, while The WORD inspired the poet.
    “Why do ye not understand my speech? Even
    because ye cannot hear My WORD.”
    + John 8:43. Amen.

  4. What the heck is the above commenter talking about? State it in plain English, not KJV jargon and cryptic quotes. Definition of versification
    1 : the making of verses. 2a : metrical structure : prosody. b : a particular metrical structure or style. 3 : a version in verse of something originally in prose. I had a headache reading this comment.

  5. At least the Anglican Journal article quoted Sharon Dewey Hetke, from the Anglican Communion Alliance saying that some rigorous theological thinking is needed. For those thus inclined, Ephraim Radner at Wycliffe College in Toronto is a good source – uneasy with the transition to inclusive sexuality to say the least, but not willing to create schism. I’d not heard of the Alliance before – a good discovery. But yes it does seem at times the Anglican Church is transitioning away from Christianity, either by design or drift. Wonder what Bishop Asbil had to say this afternoon at Wycliffe about the decline of the church?

  6. In the photo, I see the pride flag respresented 5 times. I see the cross once.

    How did the pride flag overtake the cross?

    I truly believe these people are worshipping the pride flag. It’s an obsession for them.

    Last Easter, driving around Toronto, many other denominations had large signs on their buildings proclaiming “Hallelujah, Christ is Risen”. I saw two ACoC churches with pride flags on their buildings and no mention of Easter.

    We’ve erred and strayed worse than lost sheep.

  7. Hey Michelle, without naming names yet, I’ve got a couple of ideas and will check them out in a few weeks! Would be very interesting to know what recourse in ACoC cannon law there is for heresy charges to be brought against individual and parish churches. On a related note, I loathe the presence of British and Ontario flags in our church, not to mention the tattered cross of St George on the top flagpole. Puts one’s salvation in doubt, to quote Stanley Hauerwas.

  8. Someday, all the old church buildings will pass away,. Perhaps, simple buildings with an empty cross will replace them all. Be patient!

  9. The use of “gender” instead of “sex” is a prime example of language’s being used to disguise a lack of thought.

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