6 thoughts on “Yes, there are more than two genders shirt

  1. The statement is true. Gender, which is a category of grammar, comes in three – masculine, feminine, and neuter (he, she, it). Sex, which is a category of biology, comes only in two – male and female. The confusion of gender with sex was the font of all other “gender confusion”.

  2. ‘The LGBT Mob Got What It Wanted’, the June 9/22 message from ‘Campaign Life Coalition’ Executive Director, Jeff Gunnarson: informing Canadians of the pervasive extent to which this Cultural Marxist ideology has spread, Ontario’s schools (all Canadian schools) the most critical of their ‘victory’ and its prospective harm for the spiritual, social, mental and physical wellbeing of our most precious heritage – the Nation’s children. Their offices are located in Hamilton, well placed to keep the pulse on this vexing issue for both the Nation and those Churches who are struggling to remain faithful to Jesus Christ by His WORD. Please read and share. + Pray.
    CCC also would welcome contributions to support their courageous and vital work.
    + The LORD Bless them all.

    • Nor have Cultural Marxist prayers for summer camps and staff failed to include and ‘foster a safe environment for gender-diverse children” (PCC daily Prayerspeak );
      given the unfolding grave doctrinal disorder and practice in some fallen or falling Churches on their now confused Teaching of Holy Scripture about human sexuality, who will be in charge of that ‘safe church’;
      and given the dark sexual predatory history in the Residential, Private and other schools, churches even and church camps, prayers to keep one’s children safe at home are more in Godly order.
      “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not” He both invites; and warns Camp Millstone.
      + Mark 10. Amen.

      • “Hostages”, the term aptly applied to American children in the book, “Hostages No More”, by former Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, to the radical social engineering vs. rule of law Obama/Biden Regimes redefinition of the word sex re. Title IX: inclusive of, inter alia, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy!; appealing to Courts and Congress to defeat therein what the Trudeau Regime has implemented piece-meal in
        Canada, on pain of criminal prosecution; to be sealed with Bill C-11 (the former Bill C-10 ) further enhanced to criminalize free speech.
        Both Regimes are serving two masters, freedom for Ukraine while suppressing it at home.

    • “Canadian Schools Take Great Leap Forward For Communism” under Mao-aligned Trudeau I and II;
      v. ‘Cultural Action Party of Canada’
      re. Toronto District School Board, et al. July 7/22

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