Primate Linda Nicholls’ statement for Pride Month

You can read it all here:

In the hymn “All Are Welcome” by Marty Haugen, we hear the poignant longing for a church where the gospel promises will be lived so that all God’s children will be loved and safe and free. This has been the cry of the LGBTQ2S+ community in society and in the church for decades. Although there have been affirmations of LGBTQ2S+ people in our church through General Synod and its resolutions (for example, General Synod 1995, Act 57; General Synod 2004, Act 37), we have work to do in their realization in the hearts and minds of parishioners in every place.

She goes on to say:

Pride month is an opportunity to lift up recognition of that work—to affirm the God-given dignity of every human being—and to value the contributions and gifts that LGBTQ2S+ communities bring to our church and our world. Our life as a church is enriched by the diversity of God’s people!

And, of course, there is no time like Pride Month for illustrating the dignity of every human being. Here are some not untypical Pride Month examples of people exhibiting their God-given dignity. It doesn’t get any more dignified than this:

I suppose it could get more dignified: the gentleman in the cap could be wearing a bishop’s mitre. Maybe next year.

4 thoughts on “Primate Linda Nicholls’ statement for Pride Month

  1. The hymn ‘All are Welcome’ is considered one of the most divisive and debated in all of Christendom. To treat it as a Christian mantra greatly depends on which interpretation of the lyrics is being used.
    If only our church leaders had as much respect for the authority of the Bible as they have for divisive song lyrics, we would not be in such precipitous times.
    As Catholic Bishop Thomas J. Tobin said, ‘When we say “all are welcome” it does not mean that someone is entitled to work for the Church or fill a ministerial position while being publicly involved in an immoral relationship or activity that contradicts the fundamental principles and well-known teachings of the Church on matters of faith and morals.’
    Somehow the offices of the General Synod of the ACoC did not receive this memo. I wonder why?

  2. The Primate’s statement portrays an image of a hoisted Pride flag joined to the Indigenous Trans flag, taking their ideological cue from the Cultural Marxist Federal Trudeau Regime:
    a clear, unrepentant Episcopal evasion of any sincere ‘Apology’ for the sexual sins – homosexual among them – committed and perpetrated in ACC Residential Schools and Private Schools, plus.
    Avoiding all Scriptural reference for anti-Scriptural “affirmations” and “resolutions” “the poignant longing” for “gospel promises” must needs resort to a deluded and dangerous Universalism reinforced in the ‘inclusive’ hymn to an All Welcoming Baal.
    Charlotte Elliott’s “Just as I am, without one plea” – none – is the only Cross sourced grace for those who truly seek Jesus Christ’s + life changing and then life affirming power of His Holy Spirit. + John 8:36 Amen.

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