Toronto to host 2014 homosexual World Pride event

It appears that Toronto won its bid:

An international celebration of gay rights will be held in Toronto in 2014.

The city has been chosen to host World Pride, a statement on the website of the Pride Toronto organization announced Sunday.

World Pride, which includes a parade, festivals and cultural activities, promotes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues on the international stage.

One wonders what there is to celebrate: an onslaught of tourists and money, I suppose – and the enshrinement of buggery as a socially acceptable diversion.

3 thoughts on “Toronto to host 2014 homosexual World Pride event

  1. Does anyone recall that the thin end of the wedge was “the government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation”? The majority was exhorted to a tolerance then that is rarely displayed now towards them.
    Now GLB’s and their supporters are marching down main street and inviting their international compatriots to their soirée.
    Social justice? Progress?
    I think not.

  2. Hi Jim, that’s were I measure it from, and the tag to it is the dreadful lie called the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I said it then and I’ll say it now, the “Charter” will create the opposite of its name sake.

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