The UK is planning on withholding aid to African countries with poor gay rights

From here:

Andrew Mitchell, the International development secretary has confirmed that the British government will withhold aid from countries with homophobic countries but denied that it will harm the most poor in those countries


Last week, the Mail on Sunday revealed that aid ‘fines’ may be imposed on countries such as Uganda and Ghana for hard-line anti-gay laws.

The UK hasn’t altered its plans to double aid to Pakistan, though. Of course, although Pakistan persecutes gays just like any other part of the burgeoning Islamic caliphate, it compensates for it by also persecuting Christians, providing the UK with a vicarious sense of atonement for real or imagined past Christendom inspired imperialist sins.

In its defence, the UK is working on self-propitiation by doing its bit in eradicating Christianity within its own borders. Sadly, the British government doesn’t truly have its heart in the effort since it hasn’t resorted to burning or raping Christians. Yet. Withholding aid to Africa will have to do in the meantime.


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