The Anglican Church of Canada’s Buzz video wins an award

From here:

An Anglican Video production, “Vision 2019: catch the buzz,” was awarded the Bronze Remi award in  the religion, ethics, and spirituality category at Worldfest 2011, Houston, Texas. WorldFest received more than 3,200 entries from 33 countries.

When I watched the video, I found it cringingly embarrassing in its desperation to appear trendy: a fatal mistake, since technological trendiness only lasts a few hours. Everyone who is really trendy knows that Facebook is now passé and Google+ is where the action is. You even need an invitation to gain access.

The rest is all Gandhi, spiritual not religious, quixotic utopianism, unjust structures, Gaia – the usual stuff. When Jesus is mention, it’s because he created a buzz and went viral, banalities that are already beginning to sound dated.

Here it is:

4 thoughts on “The Anglican Church of Canada’s Buzz video wins an award

  1. Awesome production! I’d like to see it distribtued to all Anglican churches across Canada.

    The cynical bunch at AS however only punch holes in what is actually a quality video presentation.

    Congratulations to the production team at General Synod. Now let’s use it.

    • I wouldn’t describe it as awesome, but neither would I call it rubbish. I’ve encountered a lot of things within evangelicalism that, although more “correct” theologically, are much more deserving of the label “rubbish”.

  2. I agree that, technically, it’s not bad. Unfortunately what it conveys is rubbish.

    There is only one of me, incidentally – I imagine you will be relieved to hear that.

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