The Anglican Church of Canada has been infiltrated!

The parishes across Canada who decided to leave the ACoC and join ANiC did so because they could no longer follow the increasingly heretical path that the ACoC is treading. The ANiC parishes made this decision – often at some cost – on the principle that it is better to follow Jesus than an organisation.

But the Primate, Fred Hiltz, blinkers firmly in place, has declared in a talk he gave in the Diocese of Niagara that parishes are leaving because:

They have been infiltrated!

Special meetings have been called!

People were lured to the special meetings!

There is an Agenda!

Elvis is alive!

Here is a snippet from the talk he gave.

All will be well though, apparently, due to the clarity with which Hiltz and his bishops speak in the interminable, deviously convoluted conversations which they inflict on the gullible few who are still awake and willing to listen; and the pastoral care offered, as time permits, in between lawsuits.

4 thoughts on “The Anglican Church of Canada has been infiltrated!

  1. I was lured to one of those “secret” ANiC meetings in Halifax last November. It was so secret that Bishop Susan Moxley dropped by, listened to the “special” presentation, and conversed with Don Harvey, Charlie Masters, and the assembled infiltrators. Maybe she’s in on the conspiracy.

  2. Pingback: ANiC newsletter – 28 January 2009 « The Occasional Christian

  3. Pingback: Diocese of Niagara: Consistency is not a hallmark of God’s call « Anglican Samizdat

  4. Pingback: ACNA, can you tread water a bit longer? « The Occasional Christian

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